Missing Tooth

Missing teeth have an effect on the appearance of your smile and face. Whether the result of an accident or from tooth decay, missing teeth can cause several problems and it’s worth seeking professional help so you can restore your smile.

At Cranmore, we specialise in missing teeth surgery.


If you have a missing tooth that leaves a gap in your mouth, one solution is the single tooth implant. Having a gap in your smile line can make you feel self-conscious when you smile or talk, and a gap further back in your mouth could affect how you bite or chew.

The type of missing teeth procedure we specialise in at Cranmore is single tooth implant surgery. It involves putting a titanium implant into the jaw where a gap is. Once the replacement teeth become firmly rooted, a tooth-coloured crown is fitted on top and will look like a natural tooth, matching the shape and colour of the teeth around it.

This procedure has been clinically proven to be a safe and long-term solution to replace a missing tooth.


  • Stability: Provides a stable foundation for replacement teeth.
  • Speech: Allows you to speak naturally.
  • Food choice: You can enjoy your favourite foods again, while also biting and chewing naturally.
  • Preservation: Preserves neighbouring teeth and bone structure.


If you’d like to know more about our missing teeth procedure then we’d recommend booking a consultation with us. We have years of experience in the dental implant field and were awarded the UK Single Implant Award at the Aesthetics Dentistry Awards 2013.

During the consultation, one of our dental implant specialists will conduct a thorough analysis of your oral health. This will allow us to create a solution that fits your specific needs.

Get in touch with us today on 028 9038 1822 for a no-obligation consultation or book in online through our contact form.

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